NASA selected the impact site to be a shadowed region in a crator on the moons south pole. The logic behind this selection for impact is... possible abundance of water or water ice molecules(is any). Why is there a need to search for water on the moon? Finding natural resources, such as water ice, on the moon could help expedite lunar exploration. By going to the moon for extended periods of time, a new generation of explorers will learn how to work safely in a harsh environment. A lunar outpost is a stepping stone to future exploration of other bodies in our solar system. The moon also offers many clues about when the planets were formed.

Over the next 10 or so days NASA will study the large amounts of data collected during the mission and declare if or not there is water or water ice on the moon.

I am posting one or two closeup shots of the moon taken by LCROSS. Hope to see more!
Clear Skys...
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